13 Reason to Support to the Harley Hahn Web Site
As you may know, this is a non-commercial Web site
with no advertisements. Thus, it helps a lot if
you could make a donation to support the site.
I am sure this makes sense to you.
Nevertheless, if you are like me, you will
want a good reason before deciding to donate.
Here are 13.
Your mother would want you to.
A long-term study at a major university found
that the overall satisfaction couples derived
from their relationships was directly
proportional to the amount of money they
donated to
The Harley Hahn Web Site.
Once you donate, even a small amount, everyone
you know will ask for your advice and treat
you with respect.
On various holidays — such as St.
Swithin's Day and Donald Duck's birthday
— selected supermarkets will give a
discount to anyone who can prove he or she has
One man had a chance to donate, but he didn't.
Within days, his life was exposed as a hollow,
meaningless sham.
The ancient Chinese believed that in years
that end with "25",
it is bad luck to not donate to
The Harley Hahn Web Site. (This may or
may not be true, but why take chances?)
If you are a young man in college or high
school, as soon as girls find out you have
donated, they will want to help you with your
homework and bake you cookies.
The ancient Greeks did not have access to
The Harley Hahn Web Site, and look
where they are today.
If everyone who donated got a free T-shirt,
you would look great in yours.
The next time your parents wonder out loud if
you are wasting your life, you will be able to
prove them wrong.
If you are speeding and you are stopped by a
policeman and you tell him you support this
Web site, he will most likely let you off with
a warning.
Once you make a donation, certain primitive
cultures (as well as parts of Texas) will
recognize you as a god.
If all the people who have donated to
The Harley Hahn Web Site were laid end
to end, they would be very surprised.
Is it all starting to make sense? If so, just
click the link below, which will take you to
Paypal so you can make a donation.
Donate money
Thank you very much.