Harley Hahn Interviews

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Harley Hahn, August 2001

From time to time, I do interviews, most often for radio, but also for television, magazines and newspapers.

I remember once doing a long interview for a national TV show. The interview was amazing, and everyone loved it, but — as you would expect — when the actual show was broadcast, my hour-long discourse had been edited into a small number of disconnected sound bites.

Talk radio is usually better because there is less editing and, indeed, I enjoy doing such shows — especially when the listeners are able to call in and ask questions. Still, if you listen to talk radio at all, you will know that the flow of conversation is continually interrupted by commercials, which makes it difficult to discuss subtle ideas.

For this reason, my favorite interviews are the ones that are published on the Web. Since Web sites have as much space as they need, there is no problem with running out of room. Nor is there a time problem. This means that I am able to develop my ideas at length and you, as the reader, are able to take as much time as you want, to think what you are reading.

Here, then, are five such interviews I did between 1993 and 2002. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed doing them.

October 1993Interview with Harley by Voices from the Net
April 1998Interview with Harley by Youthtopia
December 1999Interview with Harley by Borders.com
April 2002Interview with Harley by The Boox Review
November 2002Interview with Harley by InfoWorld

If you enjoy these interviews and you find the thoughts and ideas stimulating, you can read more about what I have to say about the Internet, society, culture, people and technology in my book Harley Hahn's Internet Insecurity. If you like these interviews, you'll love the book.