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(December 5, 2010)


The following are all the references cited in Cell Phones and Girls. At the end of each reference, where available, you will find a link to the online source, so you can check it out for yourself.

Wherever possible, I have used primary sources — that is, research articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

1. Brain Sex (book)

by Anne Moir and David Jessel
Published by Dell Publishing, 1991
Page 23

2. Sexual Hormones and the Brain: An Essential Alliance for Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation

Pediatric Neuroendocrinology
by Alica Garcia-Falgueras and Dick F. Swaab
in Endocrine Development, Volume 17, pp 22–35
Published by S. Karger AG - Basel, Switzerland, 2010

3. My Daughter Racked Up 14,528 Text Messages in One Month

by Greg Hardesty
The Orange County Register, January 7, 2009

4. Why Text Messaging Is a Matter of Life and Death

Moonshine Ink (Web site)
by Linda Lindsay

5. The Female Brain (book)

by Louann Brizendine, M.D.
Published by Bantam Books, 2007

6. Issues for DSM-V: Internet Addiction (editorial)

by Jerald J. Black
American Journal of Psychiatry 165:306-307, March 2008

7. Positive Reinforcement Produced by Electrical Stimulation of Septal Area and Other Regions of Rat Brain

by James Olds and Peter Milner; McGill University
Journal of Comparative & Physio Psych 47(6):419–27, Dec 1954

8. The Pleasure Centres

The Brain From Top to Bottom (Web site)
by Bruno Dubuc, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
  Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction

9. Individual Differences in Reward Responding Explain Placebo-Induced Expectations and Effects

by David J. Scott et al
Neuron, Volume 55, Issue 2, 325-336, 19 July 2007

10. What students can teach us about iPhones

by Tanya Luhrmann
Salon (Web site), May 30, 2010

11. iPhone users happily hooked, Stanford student survey finds

by Pete Carey
San Jose Mercury News , March 8, 2010

12. iPhone can be addicting, says new survey

by Dan Hope
MSNBC (Web site), March 8, 2010

13. Is Text Messaging a Mental Illness?

by Subha Ravindhran, TV station KABC, Los Angeles
Eyewitness News: March 26, 2008 (Web site)

14. Intensely Pleasurable Responses to Music Correlate With Activity in Brain Regions Implicated in Reward and Emotion

by Anne Blood and Robert Zatorre
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA
  September 25, 2001, Volume 98, Number 20, Pages 11818-11823

15. Neural Activity Related to the Processing of Increasing Monetary Reward in Smokers and Nonsmokers

by Chantal Martin-Soelch et al
European Journal of Neuroscience
  August 18, 2003 - Volume 18, Number 3, Pages 680-688

16. The Timing of Normal Puberty and the Age Limits of Sexual Precocity: Variations around the World, Secular Trends, and Changes after Migration

by Anne-Simone Parent et al
Endocrine Reviews
  October 2003 - Volume 24, Issue 5, Pages: 668-693

17. Table 1 from The Timing of Normal Puberty and the Age Limits of Sexual Precocity: Variations around the World, Secular Trends, and Changes after Migration

by Anne-Simone Parent et al
Endocrine Reviews
  October 2003 - Volume 24, Issue 5, Pages: 668-693

18. Girls Now Begin Puberty Aged 9

by Lois Rogers
The Sunday Times (U.K.)
  June 13, 2010

19. Precocious Puberty in Internationally Adopted Girls

by Grete Teilmann et al
Chapter 21 in When Puberty Is Precocious: Scientific
  and Clinical Aspects, Third Edition
Edited by Ora Pescovitzgy and Emily Walvoord
Published by Humana Press, 2007
Page 448 (beginning of paragraph 2)

20. Influence of obesity on timing of puberty

by Frank M. Biro et al
International Journal of Andrology
  December 20, 2005 - Volume 29, Issue 1, Pages: 272-277

21. Human Reproductive Biology, Third Edition (book)

by Richard Evan Jones and Kristin Lopez
Published by Humana Press, 2007
Page 164

22. High meat diet "linked to early periods

by Emma Wilkinson
BBC News
  June 11, 2010

23. Recent Decline in Age at Breast Development: The Copenhagen Puberty Study

by Lise Aksglaede et al
Pediatrics (Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics)
  May 5, 2010 - Volume 123, Number 5, Pages 932-939

24. Pubertal Assessment Method and Baseline Characteristics in a Mixed Longitudinal Study of Girls

by Frank M. Biro et al
Pediatrics (Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics)
  September, 2010 - Volume 126, Issue 3, Pages e583-e590

25. Human Reproductive Biology, Third Edition (book)

by Richard Evan Jones and Kristin Lopez
Published by Humana Press, 2007
Page 169

26. Assessment of Variations of Pubertal Development

by Anita Cavallo
Chapter 33 in Pediatric Primary Care: Ill-Child Care (book)
Edited by Raymond C. Baker
Published by Lippincott Williams & Williams, 2001
Page 163

27. Percent Body Fat at Age 5 Predicts Earlier Pubertal Development Among Girls at Age 9

by Kirsten Krahnstoever Davison et al
Pediatrics (Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics)
  August 9, 2010 - Volume 111, Number 4, Pages 815-821

28. Merck Manual
  Gynecology and Obstetrics | Female Reproductive Endocrinology   | Introduction | Puberty

29. Joint Effects of BMI, Diet, and Urinary Biomarkers of Environmental Exposures in Relation to Female Pubertal Maturation

by Mary S. Wolff et al
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology
  21st Conference - Dublin, Ireland
  August 29, 2007 - Session OS10.5.3

30. Leptin Gene Expression in Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in Girls Before and During Puberty

by Beata Kulik-Rechberger et al
European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology
  February 2008 - Volume 136, Number 2, Pages 210-214

31. Leptin and Puberty: A Review

by Maria Gueorguiev et al
  January 2001 - Volume 4, Numbers 1-2, Pages 79-86

32. Consumer Concerns About Hormones in Food

by Renu Gandhi and Suzanne M. Snedeker
Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors
  Cornell University, Sprecher Institute for Comparative Cancer Research
  June 2000 - Fact Sheet #37

33. The Role of Endocrine Disruptors in Pubertal Development

by Todd D. Nebsio and Ora H. Pescovitz
Chapter 20 in When Puberty Is Precocious: Scientific
  and Clinical Aspects, Third Edition
Edited by Ora Pescovitzgy and Emily Walvoord
Published by Humana Press, 2007
Page 434

34. Avoiding Hormones in Meat and Poultry?

by Andrew Weil
Ask Dr. Weil (Web site)
  October 31, 2006

35. Diet Throughout Childhood and Age at Menarche In a Contemporary Cohort of British Girls

by Imogen S. Rogers
Public Health Nutrition
  December 2010 - Volume 13, Issue 12, Pages 2052-2063

36. Premature Sexual Development in Children Following the Use of Estrogen-or Placenta-Containing Hair Products

by Chandra M. Tiwary
Clinical Pediatrics
  December 1998 - Volume 37, Number 12, Pages 733-739

37. Hormone-Containing Hair Product Use in Prepubertal Children

by Su-Ting T. Li et al
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
  January 2002 - Volume 156, Number 1, Pages 85-86

38. Hormone-Containing Cosmetics May Cause Signs of Early Sexual Development

by P.A. Zimmerman et al
Military Medicine
  December 1995 - Volume 160, Number 12, Pages 628-630

39. Personal Care Products: Evidence

Environmental Risks and Breast Cancer, Vassar College (Web site)

40. Soy Phytoestrogens (Plant Estrogens) and Breast Cancer Risk

by Barbour Warren and Suzanne Snedeker
Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors
  Cornell University, Sprecher Institute for Comparative Cancer Research

41. Low Dose Effect of In Utero Exposure to Bisphenol-A and Diethylstilbestrol on Female Mouse Reproduction

by Shizuka Honma et al
Reproductive Toxicology
  March-April 2002 - Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 117-122

42. Environmental toxins: Exposure to Bisphenol-A Advances Puberty

by Kembra L. Howdeshell et al et al
  October 21, 1999 - Volume 401, Number 6755, Pages 763-764

43. The Endocrine Disrupting Potential of Phthalates

by Catherine A. Harris and John P. Sumpter
Chapter 9 in Endocrine Disruptors - Part I (book)
Edited by Manfred Metzler
Published by Springer, 2001
Page 169

44. EU Bans Bisphenol-A Chemical From Babies' Bottles

BBC News
  November 25, 2010

45. Childhood Experience and the Onset of Menarche: A Test of a Sociobiological Model

by Terrie E. Moffitt et al
Child Development
  February 1992 - Volume 63, Issue 1, Pages 47-58

46. Father Absence and Age at Menarche: A Test of Four Evolutionary Models

by Sabine Hoier
Human Nature
  September 2003 - Volume 14, Number 3, Pages 209-233

47. Psychosocial Antecedents of Variation in Girls' Pubertal Timing: Maternal Depression, Stepfather Presence, and Marital and Family Stress

by Bruce J. Ellis et al
Child Development
  March/April 2000 - Volume 71, Issue 2, Pages 485-501

48. Father Absence, Parental Care, and Female Reproductive Development

by Robert J. Quinlan
Evolution & Human Behavior
  November 2003 - Volume 24, Number 6, Pages 376-390

49. Romeo and Juliet

by William Shakespeare
Act 1, Scene 3, Lines 11-17
(Start reading at "Faith, I can tell her age unto an hour.")

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1. Introduction
2. A Word From Our Sponsor
3. The Female and Male Brains
4. Excessive Text Messaging
5. The Female Brain and Puberty
6. Introducing The Pleasure Center
7. Why Is It So Hard To Quit
8. Girls and Puberty
9. Girls and Premature Puberty
10. Why Your 10 Year Old Daughter Wants Her Own Phone
11. A Final Note
12. References