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    February 23, 2004


"You have the power inside you to make the
world peaceful -- at least your part of the

 -- Harley Hahn

Where are all the newsletters?

Let me start by answering a question some of you
have been asking me: why have their been so few
newsletters lately?

The answer is I have been busy with three new
projects that have combined to take all of my

The first project is the 2005 Edition of my book
"Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages".  It was a
huge amount of work, and it is now finished.  I
have written a lot of new material that I hope you
will find interesting.  I'll be telling you more
about it soon.

For now, let me mention that the full text of the
book (with live links) is available online as part
of a special Web site, "The Harley Hahn
Experience".  If you are a subscriber, you will
automatically have access to the new Yellow Pages
as soon as it comes out.

The Harley Hahn Experience

The second project involves one of my books,
"Harley Hahn's Student Guide to Unix, Second
Edition", a college-level text published by
McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

I am working on a revision of the book, which will
feature Linux.  The new title will be "Harley
Hahn's Guide to Unix and Linux, Third Edition".
I'll have more to say about this in the coming

The third project is a new Web site having to do
with my father.  The details are below.


The primary purpose of my newsletter is to tell
you about new features on my Web site.  Now that
the 2005 Yellow Pages is finished and the new Unix
book is underway, I will have time to add new
material to the Web site and, as I do, you will be
receiving more newsletters.

Also, for those of you who have been asking, I
will be announcing the results of the name-the-
kitten contest soon.

In Memory of Murray Hahn

When my father Murray Hahn died at the end of
November, 2001, I created a Web page on which I
talked about him and his life. Many of you saw the
page and were kind enough to send me letters of
condolence and comments of your own.

In the last while, I have been working on a more
permanent memorial, one in which I could display
some pictures of my dad, along with some of the
letters I received.  I planned to have the
memorial finished around the time of his birthday,
which was February 19th.

That memorial is now ready and, when you have a
moment, I invite you to take a look.  If you wish,
send me your comments: I am interested in knowing
what you think.

In memory of Murray Hahn

-- Harley Hahn