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      March 6, 2004


"It's amazing how often in life the wrong
button looks like the right button."

 -- Harley Hahn

A Letter to Architecture Students

Not long ago, I received mail from an architecture
teacher.  She had read my essay on how to
understand abstract art and she wondered, did I
have a few words to say to her students?

She and the other teachers were finding that their
students had trouble relating abstraction
to architectural design.  Could I write something
she could read aloud to her students the next week?

My impression was that she expected only a few
words. However, since she didn't give me enough
time to be brief, I had to write an entire essay.


"Your teacher asked me if I had a few words
relating to abstraction and architecture, and why
it is so difficult for students to bridge the
apparent gap between the two.

"I do have some words for you, and here they

A Letter to Architecture Students

-- Harley Hahn