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       June 2, 2010


"If you can convince yourself that what you have
 is what you want, all your wishes will come true."

 -- Harley Hahn

The Elimeno Stories for children:
  1. Kalissa and the Elimeno
  2. Makayla's Birthday Wishes

Do you know what an Elimeno is?

In 2006, I wrote a children's story about a young
girl, Kalissa, and what happens when she meets an

Four and a half years later, I wrote a second
Elimeno story about Makayla, Kalissa's younger
sister, and what happens when she visits Elimeno

If you have children or grandchildren, they'll
love you to read these two stories out loud to
them.  However, you don't have to be a kid to
enjoy the Elimeno stories.  I love reading them
just for fun, and and I bet you will too.


"One day, not so long ago, Kalissa was sitting in
her room looking at a storybook. The weather was a
bit gray and cloudy, so Kalissa thought she would
stay inside for the afternoon. Her father was at
work and her mother was shopping.

"Kalissa was all alone and she was bored..."

Kalissa and the Elimeno


"Makayla had two birthday wishes. First, she
wanted everyone to spell her name with a Y. Some
people spelled her name exactly right:

"M A K A Y L A

"A lot of people, however, spelled her name without
a Y.

"You might wonder why spelling her name exactly
right was so important to Makayla..."

Makayla's Birthday Wishes

-- Harley Hahn