Angels What is an angel? I can't really tell you, because everyone has his or her own idea. Basically, angels are spiritual beings who can intervene in our lives in positive ways. Do you like angels? If so, you'll find lots of angel poetry, music, pictures and resources on the Net. But most of all, you'll enjoy oodles and oodles of stories in which angels have visited people and helped them in some way. Do angels really exist? Last night I decided to put the question to a test. Before I went to bed, I sent out a silent, spiritual message asking for an angel to visit my house while I was sleeping and finish writing this chapter for me. Unfortunately, when I awoke, nothing had been done and I had to do the work myself. (Maybe I'm just not spiritual enough.) Web:
Astrology Horoscopes So, you want to know how to make your life work as well as possible? Well, you could waste a lot of time thinking about your past behavior, and anticipating what is likely to happen in the near future. You could then think carefully as to what would be the wisest decisions for you to make based on long-term considerations. Or, you can just skip all the foolishness and check your horoscope. Web:
Astrology Resources Stars are more than just pretty lights you sit under at night. You can make wishes upon them, navigate ships by them, or record their positions to make up an astrological chart that you can consult for all your important decisions. Learn the basics of astrology, including its history and related topics like solar magnetism and etheric planets. If it's good enough for Sarah Ferguson, it's good enough for... someone. Web:
Astrology Talk and General Discussion You've discovered that Uranus is in conjunction with your ascendant ruler, Jupiter. And as if that's not enough, Uranus also squares Mercury, your tenth house ruler, and you have four yods that are creating frustration and dissatisfaction in your life. What's a person to do? Besides calling the psychic hotline, you can post queries or hints to stargazers around the globe or even -- depending on whom they know -- across the universe. Usenet:
Biorhythms Today I am at my emotional peak. It must be true, because I went to a biorhythm Web site, entered my date of birth and that's what the computer tells me. Yes, today I am at my emotional peak. I feel like going to make friends with all the neighbors. While I am at it, I will send greeting cards to everyone I know and tell them just how I feel. Also, I think I will stop writing for the rest of the day and go practice some random acts of something-or-other. Oh, wait, I just noticed I typed the wrong birth date into the Web page and this biorhythm chart is all wrong. Never mind. Web:
Books of the Dead What happens when you die? What happens after you die? Do you really want to know? Then start with the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Tibetan Book of the Dead. If you like esoteric knowledge, you'll feel right at home. After all, death is important, and if you're going to do it, you might as well do it well. Web:
Chakras The term "chakra" comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel or circle. In traditional yoga philosophy, our bodies have seven major energy centers, located in front of the spine, aligned with the vertical axis. Each of these seven "wheels" -- or chakras -- is associated with a color of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (the colors of the rainbow). The seven chakras are: base (also called root), sacral (navel), solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye (brow) and crown. Here is information about chakras and how their properties are integrated into a system of energy flow and balance. Web:
Crystals What is it about crystals that seems to attract an enormous amount of folklore? For example, what does it say about our civilization that there are people who believe that magnetite (lodestone) electromagnetically pulls toxic energy and pain from the meridians in the pancreas and lower glands? Or that if you touch a person with a piece of magnetite, he will fall out of bed if he is unfaithful? As you can see, there is a lot to say about crystals, and there are a lot of people on the Net ready to contribute. Web:
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Dreams You live in two worlds. First, there is the everyday world of trash, bills, pain, broken hearts, disease and television commentators with bad toupees. Then there is the world of dreams: a place of your own making, based firmly on your personal memories and your subconscious desires. Remembering and analyzing your dreams is fascinating because it gets to the heart of the most important thing in the universe: you. Want more? Try lucid dreaming, in which you are totally aware of what is going on, and you control the outcome. It's fun; it puts you in the fantasy driving seat; and it's free. Web:
Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Extrasensory Perception, or ESP, refers to communication, perception or actions that do not rely on the physical senses, for example, telepathy (mind-to-mind communication), clairvoyance (being aware of remote events), precognition (knowing the future) or psychokinesis (mind over matter). Over the years, scientists have studied extrasensory phenomena in an attempt to answer the basic question: is any of it real? Generally speaking, when proper experimental principles have been applied, the answer has always been no. Still, many people, perhaps most people, believe in some type of ESP. Do I believe? Let's try an experiment. I predict that if you go out, right now, and buy twenty copies of this book to give to your friends, your life will become significantly more successful and fulfilling. Try it and let me know what happens. Web:
Firewalking Firewalking is a "transcendent" experience in which a person quickly walks across a bed of hot ash-covered embers prepared from burnt wood. Firewalking is practiced in various cultures around the world. However, in its American New Age form, the actual walking over hot embers is of great symbolic importance (though very real). The main idea is to learn that you can have a great deal more control over your life than you think possible. This philosophy is taught during a workshop that precedes the firewalking experience (and for which you usually pay big bucks). Here is information about firewalking, what it is and how it is done. Look at pictures, watch the video clips and read the information. In the spirit of intellectual fairness, I have included discussions of firewalking that are more scientific and skeptical. Web:
Masters, Extraterrestrials and Archangels Quench your burning desire to know all about ascended masters, extraterrestrial beings, and other spiritual higher-ups. Read about and see pictures of such notables as Maitreya, Serapis-Bei, Melchizedek, Khutumi, Michael and Ballerian. Web:
Meditation Close your eyes, breathe deeply, relax. Clear your mind of all thoughts, free your body of all tension and float off to a world of pure spiritual essence. Explore the many methods of meditation, whether through yoga, visualization, traditional and philosophical processes, or by using more modern means. Web:
Mysticism It's a dark and stormy night, and during the dinner party someone brings up the subject of mysticism and begins telling about the seven layers of consciousness, time and the concept of becoming God. Then someone asks you what you think about the difference between the subconscient and the superconscient. Much to your embarrassment, the only response you can stammer is: "Anyone for dessert?" Raise your consciousness to a more mystical level by checking out these mysticism resources and never be caught with your aura down again. Web:
Near-Death Experiences It doesn't count if someone scares you so bad that you think you nearly have a heart attack. In Usenet you can talk with other people about real near-death experiences like actually going out of your body and wisping around the room in an ethereal form before being yanked back to consciousness. Read studies on the near-death concept as well as anecdotes from people who have had these experiences. Check out more information on near-death experiences (NDEs) at these Web sites. Web:
New Age Talk and General Discussion In this Usenet group, New Age believers encourage awareness, positive thinking, and healing with the mind, as well as offer information on many other topics. The talk covers a wide range of doctrines and philosophies. If you like to talk about religion, philosophy and the New Age movement, you are sure to never get bored here. Usenet:
Numerology Numerology is the study of the occult significance of numbers. According to this belief system, specific numbers are assigned to the letters of the alphabet. You can add up the digits that correspond to the letters in someone's name, and derive a single digit that is supposed to resonate with his or her personality. However, serious numerology is not that simple, because the personality is divided into various parts, each of which has a different number. In addition, there are also ways to take a birth date into account when analyzing a name. Here are some Web sites that will introduce you to numerology and the significance of numbers. If you are wondering what the world of numbers has in store for you, analyze your own name. I used one of the Web sites to analyze my cat's name and date of birth. I found out that he is "drawn to all that is beautiful, luxurious and expressive" which, as anyone who knows him will confirm, is certainly true. Web:
Out-of-Body Experiences The best cure for indigestion is to just leave your body behind and let it work out the details for itself. Read up on astral projection, out-of-body healing, meditation, lucid dreaming, theories about higher realms, and tips on how to have an out-of-body experience. Web:
Reiki Reiki is a form of energetic healing that allows you to treat yourself or other people by the laying on of hands. Reiki was developed in the early 1900s by Mikao Usui in Japan. Basic Reiki is easy to learn and, in principle, can be done by anyone. The general idea is to bring balance to yourself and another person by harmonizing your "energy". Reiki masters can heal, not only in person, but at a distance. Does it really work? If you approach Reiki (and similar arts) from the point of view of a proper, skeptical scientist, you will find a lot of baloney (because there is a lot of baloney). However, if you are willing to suspend your critical judgment, you may be surprised at what can happen. Web:
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Reincarnation Reincarnation refers to the rebirth of a soul from one body into another body or lifeform. Many old cultures believe in reincarnation as part of their religion. However, New Age people appreciate the idea of reincarnation from a somewhat different perspective. These Web sites contain information about reincarnation from the point of view of Western culture. Read about karma, personal experiences, transpersonal hypnotherapy, simultaneous lifetimes, pre-birth memories, interesting historical tidbits, and much, much more. On a personal note, I once underwent a past-life regression session in which I discovered that, in a previous lifetime, I had been a person who underwent a past-life regression session in which I discovered that, in a previous lifetime, I had been a person who... Web:
Spirit Web Do you ever get the feeling that there is more going on around you than you realize? What is it with all these alien sightings and interactions with ghosts and people who say they channel voices from the great beyond? Do they know something you don't? You don't have to feel left out any longer. Get information on channeling, alternative healing, UFOs, light technology, Earth changes, out-of-body experiences, astrology and other subjects that really are out of this world. Web: Spiritual Healing This Web site is devoted to spiritual healing, such as the study of auras, chakras, energy work, Reiki, shiatsu, and homeopathy. These methods are much easier to practice on your friends than a splenectomy, plus you can do these tricks at dinner parties without having to use real blood. Web:
Tarot You're minding your own business, laying your tarot cards out in a simple little Celtic Cross spread when all of a sudden the Nine of Swords pops up in a place where you least suspected. Now, what does that mean? Don't let it stump you. On the Web you can find out about the history of tarot, interesting ideas about spreads, card meanings and many different versions of tarot decks. In Usenet, tarot fans and experts talk about this classical form of divination. Web:
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