Adult Education These forums offer interesting discussions on ways to educate adults. People talk about all sorts of subjects, such as textbooks, education using interactive computer environments, and audio tapes. There is also lots of discussion about teaching in conventional classroom settings. The Web sites can help you find many related resources on the Net. Web:
Canada's Schoolnet If you are a Canadian teacher, you must know about Schoolnet. In the great Canadian tradition of let's-spend-lots-of-government-money-to-create-cultural-resources, Schoolnet is the most ambitious, comprehensive teaching facility since I organized the sex education exhibit at the University of Toronto Medical Students' Open House (1981). Are you Canadian? You must plug in; there is no choice. If you are not Canadian, check it out anyway, and you may find something useful. Web: Education Conferences Are you just itching to go to an education conference? Use the Net to check out lists of exhibitions, seminars and conferences, and you'll never have to spend another dull weekend hanging around the house complaining about too much work and not enough recognition. Web:
Education News The world of education moves fast, but here's an easy way for you to keep up with what's new and exciting. Just spend a few minutes every now and then visiting this Web site, where you will find news for education professionals. You'll enjoy the articles from various newspapers and magazines, including Education Week and Teacher Magazine. When you hear about something important or interesting in the world of teaching, this is the place to find the details. Web: Education Policy When I was a kid, you could get in trouble for chewing gum in class. Now you get in trouble if the gun you are carrying happens to be on the list banned by Congress. I bet you can remember what it was like being a kid and having to follow the rules with no say in the matter. Well, now you can have your two cents' worth and eat it too. Web:
Education Talk and General Discussion You don't have to be a teacher or administrator to enjoy the education discussion on Usenet. This discussion group covers all sorts of general education topics that relate to teachers, parents, children, administrators, the public school system, and much more. Anything goes. Usenet:
Educational Mailing Lists There are lots of mailing lists on the Net devoted to schools, education and related topics. Here are some Web sites that contain information about these lists. If you have anything to do with education (teacher, parent, administrator, even student) it is worth spending a few moments looking for mailing lists that interest you. I guarantee you will find something. Web:
Eisenhower National Clearinghouse The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC) provides K-12 teachers a central source of information on mathematics and science curriculum materials and encourages the adoption and use of these materials. ENC is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. Web: Home Schooling As home schooling becomes more popular, it is easier to find resources relating to the process of teaching children in the home environment. Take advantage of the Internet as one of these resources and discuss with other home schoolers the trials and rewards of teaching your kids at home. Web:
Majordomo Mailing List:
Special Education In the United States, we have the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act -- I.D.E.A. -- and, before that, PL 94-142 (both federal laws) to help ensure that students with a disability can receive a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. In the outside world (that is, outside the U.S. Congress), there are often problems. Fortunately, there are a lot of people on the Net who are willing to share solutions and information. Web:
Talented and Gifted When I was a kid, there were no special programs where I lived (in Canada) for talented and gifted (TAG) children. So I had to content myself with driving all my teachers crazy and learning extra math on my own. Today, there are many programs for TAG children: kids who show exceptional skill, intelligence or creativity. (By the way, I have a theory that kids who like to talk in class are smarter than everyone else.) Web:
Listserv Mailing List:
U.S. Department of Education As part of the Institutional Communications Network project, the U.S. Department of Education has established this site to provide information to educators and researchers interested in education. You will find a wide variety of files on K-12 education as well as vocational and adult education, goals of the Department of Education, programs, announcements and press releases, and educational software. Web: Vocational Education Network with teachers and administrators of vocational education systems as they explore new ways to pass on needed skills to people heading into the work force. Discover projects designed to make learning interesting and see how educators use the Internet to enhance the learning environment. Web:
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