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A Personal Note
from Harley Hahn

Unix Book
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  16  17  18
  19  20  21
  22  23  24
  25  26


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  G  H


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Appendix A...

Summary of Unix Commands Covered in This Book

This appendix summarizes the 143 Unix commands discussed in this book. At the end of each summary, the designation [X] provides a link to the chapter in which the command is explained.

!Reexecute command from the history list [13]
!!Reexecute last command from the history list [13]
&Run a program in the background [26]
^^Substitute/reexecute last command from history list [13]
^ZSuspend (pause) a foreground process [26]
aliasCreate/display aliases [13]
aproposDisplay command names based on keyword search [9]
bashBash shell [11]
bcArbitrary-precision, easy-to-use calculator [8]
bgMove job to the background [26]
bindkeySet command-line editing mode [13]
calDisplay a calendar [8]
calendarDisplay current reminders from calendar file [8]
catCombine files; copy standard input to standard output [16]
cdChange your working directory [24]
chmodChange file permissions for files or directories [25]
chshChange your default shell [11]
cmpCompare two files [17]
colrmDelete specified columns of data [16]
commCompare two sorted files, show differences [17]
cpCopy files; copy directories [25]
cshC-Shell [11]
cutExtract specified columns/fields of data [17]
dateDisplay the time and date [8]
dcArbitrary-precision, stack-based calculator [8]
dfDisplay disk space used/available for filesystems [24]
diffCompare two files, show differences [17]
dirsDisplay/clear contents of the directory stack [24]
dmesgDisplay boot messages (Linux) [06]
duDisplay amount of disk storage used by files [24]
dumpe2fsDisplay filesystem information from superblock [24]
echoWrite arguments to standard output [12]
envDisplay environment variables [12]
exitExit a shell [4]
expandChange tabs to spaces [18]
exportExport shell variables to the environment [12]
fcDisplay/reexecute commands from the history list [13]
fgMove job to the foreground [26]
fileAnalyze type of file [24]
findSearch for files in a directory tree; process results [25]
fmtFormat paragraphs to make them look nice [18, 22]
foldFormat long lines into shorter lines [18]
fuserIdentify processes that are using specific files [26]
groupsDisplay the groups to which a userid belongs [25]
grepSelect lines containing a specified pattern [19]
headSelect lines from beginning of data [16, 21]
hexdumpDisplay binary (non-text) files [21]
historyDisplay commands from the history list [13]
hostnameDisplay the name of your system [8]
idDisplay current userid and groupid [25]
infoDisplay file from the Info reference system [9]
initChange to another runlevel [6]
jobsDisplay information about jobs [26]
joinCombine columns of data based on common fields [19]
killTerminate a process; send a signal to a process [26]
kshKorn shell [11]
lastCheck the last time userid has logged in [4]
leaveDisplay reminder at a specified time [8]
lessPager: display data, one screenful at a time [21]
lnCreate a new link to a file [25]
locateSearch for files [25]
lockTemporarily lock your terminal [8]
loginTerminate a login shell and initiate a new login [4]
logoutTerminate a login shell [4]
lookSelect lines that begin with a specified pattern [19]
lsDisplay various types of information about files [24, 25]
manDisplay pages from the online Unix reference manual [9]
mkdirCreate a directory [24]
mkfifoCreate a named pipe [23]
morePager: display data, one screenful at a time [21]
mountMount a filesystem [23]
mvMove or rename files or directories [24, 25]
niceRun a program using specified scheduling priority [26]
nlAdd line numbers to text [18]
odDisplay binary (non-text) files [21]
passwdChange your login password [4]
pasteCombine columns of data [17]
popdChange working directory; pop name off directory stack [24]
prFormat text into pages or columns [18]
printWrite arguments to standard output [12]
printenvDisplay environment variables [12]
prstatDisplay dynamic information about processes [26]
psDisplay information about processes [26]
pstreeDisplay diagram of a process tree [26]
ptreeDisplay diagram of a process tree [26]
pushdChange working directory; push name on directory stack [24]
pwdDisplay pathname of your working directory [24]
quotaDisplay your system resource quotas [8, 24]
rebootReboot the computer [6]
reniceChange scheduling priority of a running program [26]
revReverse order of characters in each line of data [16]
rmDelete files or directories [25]
rmdirRemove an empty directory [24]
sdiffCompare two files, show differences [17]
sedNon-interactive text editing [19]
setSet/display shell options and shell variables [12]
setenvSet/display environment variables [12]
shBourne shell [11]
shredDelete a file securely [25]
shutdownShutdown the computer [6]
sleepDelay for a specified interval [26]
sortSort data; check if data is sorted [19]
splitSplit a large file into smaller files [16]
statDisplay information from an inode [25]
stringsSearch for character strings in binary files [19]
sttySet/display operating options for your terminal [7]
suChange to superuser or another userid [6]
sudoRun a single command as superuser [6]
suspendSuspend (pause) a shell [26]
tacCombine files while reversing order of lines of text [16]
tailSelect lines from end of data [16, 21]
tcshTcsh shell [11]
teeCopy standard input to a file and to standard output [15]
topDisplay data about the most CPU-intensive processes [26]
touchUpdate access/modification times of file; create file [25]
trChange or delete selected characters [19]
treeDisplay a diagram of a directory tree [24]
tsortCreate a total ordering from partial orderings [19]
ttyDisplay name of the special file for your terminal [23]
typeLocate a command: display its pathname or alias [8]
umaskSet file mode mask for file creation [25]
umountUnmount a filesystem [23]
unaliasDelete aliases [13]
unameDisplay the name of your operating system [8]
unexpandChange spaces to tabs [18]
uniqRemove adjacent repeated lines in a text file [19]
unsetDelete shell variables [12]
unsetenvUnset environment variables [12]
uptimeDisplay how long your system has been up [8]
usersDisplay userids that are currently logged in [8]
vivi text editor [22]
viewStart vi text editor in read-only mode [22]
vimVim text editor [22]
wDisplay info about userids and active processes [8]
wcCount lines, words and characters [18]
whatisDisplay one-line summary of specified command [9]
whenceLocate a command: display its pathname or alias [8]
whereisFind files associated with a command [25]
whichLocate a command: display its pathname or alias [8]
whoDisplay info about currently logged in userids [8]
whoamiDisplay the userid that is currently logged in [8]
xargsRun command using arguments from standard input [25]
xmanGUI-based: display pages from online reference manual [9]

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