A good friend is hard to come by in this life:
how fortunate I was to have met you, to have
worked with you, and to have continued a
friendship with you for over 30 years. How
proud of Gavin and Corey you were. You were a
great role model for them, and they certainly
grew up to be outstanding. I think your
greatest contributions occurred after you left
IBM: on the radio, in the newspapers, and on
the Internet. You were fun, loyal and smart. I
shall never forget you or the impact you made
on my life. Thank you, my friend, for touching
me in such a positive way.
Several years ago, I got an enthusiastic
telephone call from a gentleman who told me
how my book, Attitude Is Everything,
had helped him get through a difficult medical
problem. The caller was so enthusiastic, so
grateful, and so kind. That caller was Sam
Albert, and we became good friends. Sam bought
dozens of copies of my book and gave them to
others when they needed a lift. His enthusiasm
and generosity were contagious. I have such
fond memories of Sam, and I will always
appreciate everything he did for me. He was
such a positive role model and one who truly
cared about others. I'm sure he's looking down
on us and encouraging us in any way that he
I met Sam shortly after he left IBM and I had
joined the local newspaper in Westchester
County. Sam graciously offered to serve as a
sounding board if I ever wanted insights into
how IBM worked, and I wound up quoting him in
countless stories. Eventually, it seemed like
every technology writer in the country
discovered Sam and for good reason. Sam's
spirit lives on in my own corner of the media
universe, where I now work with executives who
are preparing to be interviewed by the press.
When people ask me what traits they need in
order to be viewed by reporters as an
"expert," I tell them they need to be
accessible, knowledgeable and quotable:
just like Sam Albert.
I loved the man. My office was next to Sam's
at IBM from 1980-1982. It's probably trite to
say, "He always made me feel good," but he
did. I retired from IBM in 1990, but never
really retired. I am in my third career, much
of it due to the "attitude" reinforced by this
remarkable guy.
Sam, I hardly knew ye, but what I knew then
and remember now is your contagious enthusiasm
and optimism, and your encyclopedic knowledge
of the industry. Over the years, you've
regaled us with stories, both personal and
professional, taught us tricks of the trade
(and yo-yos), and been there for advice,
counsel and ideas. I feel lucky to have been
both a colleague and a friend, to watch you
revel in your successes, and qvell about your
grandchildren, to see you work hard and love
it, and, especially, to have spent such good
times with you and Joice. I hardly knew ye,
Sam, but I know what I like, and you are
permanently burned into my memory banks.
My favorite recollection of Sam is how he
would be in a taxi cab right before his radio
show would come on. He'd ask the driver to
switch to 1010 WINS and then just
before the broadcast Sam would do the
opening line ("This is Sam Albert with
Computips brought to you by Chase"). Of
course, moments later, the radio would say the
same thing. I always worried the taxi driver
would crash at that point.
Sam Albert was one of my closest friends for
more than twenty years. I always thought of
him as a Jewish mother's dream: good looking,
decent, and a good provider. Sam was
extraordinarily devoted to his family: to his
wife Joyce, whom he loved deeply; to his two
children Gavin and Cory; and to his
grandchildren. He was helpful to virtually
everyone, honest, and reliable. If Sam said he
would take care of something, there was no
need to follow up. He always did what he said
he was going to do, and he was always on time.
My first encounter with Sam was a couple of
years before he took early retirement from
IBM. I was at an industry function, and Sam
was going table to table doing yo-yo tricks as
an attention getter. Seeing I was a former
IBMer, Sam and I bonded almost immediately.
After his retirement, we were involved in
several business ventures, and it was always a
pleasure doing business with him. Sam brought
enthusiasm and hard work to every endeavor,
and I could always depend on him to do the
right thing. He was someone I could always
confide in and depend upon. His advice was
excellent, and he was a great sounding board.
I miss him a lot.
Sam Albert gave generously of himself and made
a real difference in the lives of people
around him. The business world can often be a
cold and impersonal place, but Sam had a way
of finding something special in every
situation and every person. He is deeply
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Read the thoughts and memories of these people close to Sam:
Amy Wohl Read a short essay by Harley Hahn... |
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